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Juul e-cigarettes: Public health problems present long-term challenges

Central to the domination of the vaping market in the United States by Juul has been flavored products. Despite being somewhat more expensive to purchase than rivals, the capsule method utilized by the San Francisco based company has proved popular. Yet the future of the product type has been cast into doubt. To rescue what until very recently was thought to be a market destined for big financial rewards for investors much work must be done to untangle the Juul brand (easily the most recognizable among the leading players) from harming the health of children across the United States.

Had e-cigarettes only been forced to suffer the ignominy of a public health crisis having originally been sold as a safer alternative to traditional smoking, the response from the press, health authorities and governments alike would likely have been somewhat softer. Instead the rapidity of action and strong language being utilized stems from the remarkably quick growth of underage users. The failure to prevent the spread of usage among teenagers in US schools ranks as a major oversight by makers of e-cigarettes and other interested parties. Now public health officials opine that progress in lowering smoking rates among minors has been decimated. They have a point.

Consequently, unless circumstances conspire to create a regulatory setup in which vaping products are all but banned in entire countries, vaping is going to continue to serve as a viable alternative to tobacco. That makes the potential market huge. Even though smoking rates across many western nations have been steadily falling, maker of Marlboro Philip Morris has not suffered meaningful revenue loss.

Big tobacco companies had previously been making large bets on e-cigarettes forming the basis of long-term business plans. Now that future may not happen, alternatives must be sought. The costs of failing to do will be crippling. Intended to cut back on toxins and still provide nicotine hits for users, the IQOS brand heats tobacco rather than burns it. Optimism surrounds the Altria co-created brand because, unlike e-cigarettes, the product was born into a regulatory framework governing use, advertising and acceptable target markets. Consequently, both brands should not be in any danger of becoming embroiled in the controversies makers of e-cigarettes are now suffering.